HarnesstomDB Datathon: Hands on Training Course on the HARNESSTOM Tomato
Location: NH Collection Gran Hotel de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Date: 4-5 March 2023 from 8:30 to 19:30
HarnesstomDB Datathon is a 2-day workshop aiming at introducing the HarnesstomDB (, a comprehensive publicly available open-source multi-omics database for facilitating the use of the potential of tomato germplasm collections for breeding.
The hands-on course focus on tools, resources and submission of (meta)data. During the course we will use a combination of theoretical and practical sessions to provide all participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to work with HanesstomDB.
Ozone - an innovative alternative to postharvest chemicals and interactions with low oxygen storage of fruits”
March 3-4, 2023
For those who are willing to participate in person and present their research work the submission deadline is extended to February 14th .
This workshop is co-organized by Estonian University of Life Sciences and RoxyCOST and will be organised in hybrid form.
The workshop aims at providing insight how ozone, when used as postharvest treatment, affects fruit ripening metabolism and epiphytic disease complex of fruits. The effect of low oxygen storage on fruit physiology and postharvest quality will also be discussed.
All master students, /doctoral students and post docs working with low oxygen storage, ozone, nitric oxide or other postharvest technologies of fruits are welcome. Selected participants who are willing to participate in person and present their research work (15 min presentation), will be reimbursed by RoxyCOST. Those applying for reimbursement, should send the title of their presentation and short description of the topic (100 words) to ulvi.moor @
Participation is free of charge. The deadline for registration is 14 February. Please register at